4.1 Living things inherit traits in patterns.
Vocabulary: sexual reproduction, gene, heredity, allele, phenotype, genotype, dominant, recessive
1. Acquired traits are not determined by genes; inherited traits are.
2. Inherited traits are controlled by two factors, and one factor can mask another.
3. recessive
4. Genotype desribes the genes that code for traits; phenotype desribes the traits that are expressed.
5. If a person has one recessive and one dominant allele, the dominant allele will be expressed. So a person can have a recessive allele and it will not show in the phenotype.
6. Brown; the parents must both carry two recessive genes for brown fur, otherwise a single dominant black allele makes them black.
4.2 Patterns of heredity can be predicted.
Vocabulary: Punnette square, ratio, probability, percentage
1. They show how the parent´s alleles may be passed on to offspring.
2. Ratios compare one number to another number. A percentage is a ratio that compares a number to 100.
3. Determine each possible outcome. Represent it as a ratio in fraction form. Multiply by 100 to find the percentage.
4. Two blocks have one recessive and one dominant allele. One block has two dominant alleles, and one block has two recessive alleles. The chance for each possible outome is 75 perent purple and 25 percent for white.
5. The probability is 25 percent. Two blocks will show one recessive and one dominant allele. One block will show two dominant alleles. One block will show two recessive alleles.
thankyou miss silvia, i learned that the rules of heredity of gregor mendel were:
ResponderEliminar1.individuals carry 2 factors (genes)for each trait, but pass only one
2. one factor (gene) is domonant over another
and to determine how it can be , you can use, or do a punnett square.
paola arizpe 7e #2
miss thankyou now i learned that you can only pass one gene and i found easy how to do a punnet qsuare
ResponderEliminarjorge burnes 7d ·4
Thanks teacher, I learned that the genes can't mix, so the offspring has to be either one color or another.
ResponderEliminarGerardo Montemayor, #18, 7B
Arturo A. Arjona Lara #1 7D
ResponderEliminarThank miss for this video this video help me know which color in corn is dominant and how the punnet chart works.
I learned that hybrids are the ones that carry both genes (from mother and father).
ResponderEliminarSofia Kharissova 7A #2
ResponderEliminarmiss, im having kind of a hard time with this lesson, but thanks to the video im getting it better.
the punett square is really helpful, i think it's easier now.
i still want to know what makes one gene the dominat one, and why in the corn the colors mixed and why in the rabitt they didnt so i'll investigate.
thaks for the video :)
David Gonzalez 7A #16
ResponderEliminarMiss thanks for the video , but is basically the things you teach us the only difference is that in this video it came Medel's rule of heredity that are:
1 Individuals carry 2 factors (genes)for each trait, but pass only one
2 One factor (gene) is domonant over another
Miss i liearned that purebred are the ones that have both genes the same and hybrids are the ones that have one recessive and one dominant.
ResponderEliminaralan venegas #29 7E
miss thanks for the video i learn that the genes cant mix so the offspring has to be either one color or another.
ResponderEliminarThanks miss silvi now i now how a punnet chart works.
ResponderEliminarSergio Serna #23 7°D
Ilearned that hybrids are the ones who carry both genes and that there is an easy way using the Punnet Square
ResponderEliminarSergio Quintanilla 7D #21
now I know that the punnet square can show me the probabilities of any trait of an organism by knowing which are the dominant and recessive alleles.
ResponderEliminarjavier de la garzaa 12 7D
Now I know that hybrids are the ones who carry btoh of genes his genes are diferent, and that purebred is the one who has both of his genes the same.
ResponderEliminarJoaquin diaz 7E N.L.5
Miss thank you i learbed that Mendel have rules of heredity.And i understand better about the color of the offspring and the gebs
ResponderEliminarBarbara Gonzalez #11 7C
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ResponderEliminarthanks miss, it is better to understand it, by the examples with the rabbits.
ResponderEliminari learned that the dominant will be the color of the offspring
maria elena zambrano 7b #30
Miss I learned that recessive means a condition that appears only in individuals who have received two copies of a another gene.
ResponderEliminarMARIANA SANTOS LOZANO #25 7B
Thankes miss, I learnd that the offsprings characteristics may varie depending on its fathers genes (f)(F) and I learnd that the squere table is used to count that provabilities
ResponderEliminarJose Heberto Codero 7D #9
Thanks miss Silvia this video help me to understand more about how to do a punnett chart.
ResponderEliminarAlfonso. González 7C
Thanks for the video teacher, now I know that every individual carries 2 genes, but they only pass one, and 1 of those genes is dominant. And now I also know that the hybrids are the ones that carry the 2 kinds of genes of different kinds (for example, 1 white fur gene and 1 black fur gene), and the purebreds are the ones that have both genes of the same kind (for example, 2 black fur genes)
ResponderEliminarJorge De la Fuente #9 7°A
Miss, thank you for putting the video, now I learned that each individual has two genes, but only one is passed to their offspring. I also learned that one gene can be dominant and the other can be recessive.
ResponderEliminarRoberto Palacios 7°A #20 :)
ResponderEliminarI learned the rules that Mendel said.
Also it is very interesting to know that each individual have 2 genes.Also i learned that hybrids are the ones that carry noth genes.
Erica GoNZALEZ #13 7th A
I learned how the Punnett Square works, and that is a posibility, not for sure(: And the dominant is the one that will show in the phenotype
ResponderEliminarCarolina Montes H. #16 7C
Thanks for the video miss!
ResponderEliminarI learned that one of Gregor Mendel's rules were that every offspring has two factors (genes) that determine each of its traits.
I also learned how to use the Punnett square to determine an offspring's traits.
purebred are the ones that have both genes the same and hybrids are the ones that have one recessive and one dominant and Mendel have rules of heredity
ResponderEliminarmaggy fuentes 7E#7
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ResponderEliminarI learned that the purebrids are the ones that have the two same type of genes and that the hybrids are the ones that have one gene of each type.
ResponderEliminarAsahel Zermeño #29 7A
Thank you miss.
ResponderEliminarI learned that an organism with two same genes are called purebred (two white genes, two black genes) and the an organism with the both genes different are called hybrids (one black gene and one white gene).
Raul A. Hernandez Gzz. #14 7B
Ms. Silvia
ResponderEliminarI learned that for the phenotype is not choosen by luck is just by the Punnet square and the genes that each parent has.
Ma. Elena Ibañez #18 7°D
Thanks teacher.
ResponderEliminarThanks to this, now i know that offsprings either have to be black or white. Because black is dominant, it`ll probably be black.
Their offsprings are called hybrids.
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ResponderEliminarthanks for the video miss, now I understand better with the punnett squares.
ResponderEliminarAndrea Rivera:) 7E
emiliano morales #14 7E
ResponderEliminarit helped me understand why 1-3 with punnet square
thanks miss(: now i understand how the rarios are, and why and i also saw and i compare the phenotypes of my parents and mines.
ResponderEliminarAndrea Mariana peña 7c, 20
Raul Villarreal #29 7B
ResponderEliminarThe thing i know is that the dominant gene is going to be greater than a recessive one forever except if the reccesive has two genes
Miss Silvia thankyou now i understand what is a punnett square and how to filo it. And i learn how to get the percentsge from a punnet square.
ResponderEliminarAlfonso del Castillo. 7D #10
Thanks for this video Miss; It made me understand how does the Punnett Square work; and when is the recessive shown in the phenotype.
ResponderEliminarCarina Vazquez 7E#28
Thanks miss, I already understand that we have to distribute the genes. In a Punnett Square its like, one here and then this one is next, like a pattern.
ResponderEliminarOscar Cavazos 7C #3
wow miss jaja i didnt knnew that there existed purple corn and i learned better the gregor mendel's rules of heredity
ResponderEliminarmiguel ortiz #20 7D
miss i didnt understan what was a punnet square now i now how is used
Miss thankyou for the video, now I
ResponderEliminarget better the idea and I learn the
2 mendel's rules of heredity
Alejandra Moreno 7°E #15
Miss Silvia, I learned that when a parent has two alleles of the same type, it is called a purebred, and that when it has one dominant and one recessive, it is called a hybrid.
ResponderEliminarRicardo Gonzalez #13 7°C
miss silvia thankyou for putting the video now i learned that the dominant gene is going to be greater than a recessive onless the recessive has two genes and now i know how a punnett sqaure works thanks.
ResponderEliminarmarcelo fernandez 7a 10
marcelo fernandez
Miss Silvia:
ResponderEliminarI learned Gregor Mendel's two rules of heredity:
1.- Individuals carry two factors or genes, but pass only one, and
2.-One factor or gene is dominant over another.
I also learned that when and organism has the two alleles for an especific trait equal, that organism is called purebred, and when the two alleles are different, the organism is called hybrid.
David Alanís C. 7th B #1
Thanks miss silvia, now i know that because of mendel's discovery, we can know ethier the offspring of an organism can be white or black, like in the case of the rabbits.
ResponderEliminarAdrian Urquijo
#28 7th D
Miss Silvia:
ResponderEliminarI learned the rules of heredity of Gregor Mendel, that was very easy, and I hope that that can help me in the period exam
Sofia Paez 7E. #18
Thanks Ms, know I understand better how to use the punnett square.
Santiago Peña #19 7C
Thank you miss, its all that we saw in class about the Punnet square, the possibilities of having one trait or the other & that purebred is when you have two alleles that are the same.
ResponderEliminarSusana de la Garza 7D #11
Ms I learned well Punnett Square, and Inherited Traits
ResponderEliminarThank you
Dong 7th A #7
ResponderEliminarI didn´t know that a yellow corn and a black corn could have a combination of corns. It seems nasty but interesting.
Lucia Regules 7c 22
miss thank you, and that´s the same thing that we have already see at the school, and now i know that the offsprings is called hybrids.
ResponderEliminarmaria jose reyes #21 7°b
Hey, teacher, thanks for the video, I think I understand this better now..Well, I have to go eat hotdogs :P
ResponderEliminarCarlos Tamez 7C #27
Hi miss, the punnet square is easy, but this help me understand it better and it helped me to study for the exam.
ResponderEliminarCarolina Vasquez Canales 28 7C
miss thankyou for the video
ResponderEliminari understand better this because its like easier like explaining this video i liked miss
marcelo delgado #6 7C
Miss Finally I understand it ahahaha thanks for the video I understand everything better and easier for it to stay on my mind... :D haha
ResponderEliminarthanks for this miss
Bernardo Leal Acuña (ERNSS) #14 7C
Miss it is interesting the thing of the Punnet Square. I like the way the two alleles of the rabbits combine and creat their offspring.
ResponderEliminarKassandra Nicanor 7c 18
P.D: I didn`t have internet on home, I do it in luci`s house =)
Ms,thanks for showing more examples of the Punnet Square for the quiz of tomorrow, now I understand the probabilities of the traits.
ResponderEliminar-Enrique Navarro 7C #17
Thank you miss now I understand how to use a punnett square and that tha capital letter is for dominant and the small for recesive.
ResponderEliminarNancy Soto 7D #24
Mrs.Silvia thankyou for the video now i finally undertand how to use a punnett square, and also i already know that the dominant is greter then the recessive.
ResponderEliminarBarbara Denise Garcia Gzz #9 7.C
thankyou ms. silvia it is easier visual and it helped me understand it better for the quiz.
ResponderEliminarjose andres salazar 7e #23
Thank miss for this video this video help me know which color in corn is dominant and how the punnet chart works.
ResponderEliminarbruno mtz #11 7°E
thank miss now I know that individuals carry 2 factors for each trait, but pass only one.
ResponderEliminarAnd that the offspring is called hybrids.
Sofia Albalate #2 7B
miss thankyou for this video i understand this prefectly, because in the class i was sleeping , but now i understand this and im ready for the quiz of tomorrow
Andres Estrada 7C #7
Thank you miss.
ResponderEliminarnow i know that
individuals carrie two facotrs for each trait and only one is passed to the offspring
Andreea Villarreal
#28 7A
Miss Thank you for
ResponderEliminarthe video now I understand how the Punnet Square
works and what genes are reccesive and
dominant I learn two factors are the ones that
all the organisms have and each
parent hereditate one factor to the offspring Miss Im Ready for a 100 tomorrow!
Hector Rolando Sandoval Juarez
#25 7C
Thank you Ms. Silvia(:
ResponderEliminarNow I understand how do it works and how to use it!
Arylu Cantu Treviño
#7 7ºB
Miss, thank you for the video,I learned that each individual has two genes, but only one is passed to their offspring. I also learned that one gene can be dominant and the other can be recessive.
ResponderEliminarnataly ontiveros 7B 20
ResponderEliminarmis now a know that some kinds of traits are like hair color, color skin, eye color etc, etc...
我們不是因為快樂而歌唱,而是唱歌使我們快樂 ..................................................
ResponderEliminarMis silvia is very interesting how is the asexual reporducing i diidnt have the complete idea but know with the video you just respond my question!
ResponderEliminarthank you for publishing this video
atte lulu leal NL:21 7B
mrs silvia ive already see the video and its very interesting:)
ResponderEliminaratt daniela lozano
Marcelo Rivera Levy #23 7c
ResponderEliminarMiss silvia this video is very intresting about how the punnet sqaure can show you how to see what traits will you have from your parents.
carolina estrada hinojosa #6 7 e
ResponderEliminarthanks misss now i understand !! this was a good review for the quiz (:
ResponderEliminarThank you ms for the video
thank you ms for the video jose carlos villarreal 7e