abiotic factor, biotic factor, ecology, ecosystem
1. Diagrams should have biotic-living, and abiotic- not living factors labeled.
2. Sample answer: Plants produce oxygen and food. Coral reefs provide shelter.
3. They determine the types and abundance of plant life.
4. For a day: would have little effect on the ecosystem; for a year: much of the plant life would disappear, and the animal life that depends on it.
5. Sample answer: biotic factors: eating plants and animals, being stung by an insect, feeding birds; abiotic factors: breathing air, drinking water, building with stone.

Thank you teacher this information would help me study for the quiz now I know more of how can the biotic or abiotic factors affect the enviroment they are in. Have a nice day attE: Jesus Alberto Elizondo Salazar #6 7A