Lesson Vocabulary: domain, Plantae, Animalia, Protista, Fungi, Archaea, Bacteria
Lesson Review
1. Plantae, Animalia, Protista, Fungi, Bacteria, Archaea
2. Organisms are sorted according to general traits.
3. Plantae: store DNA in nucleus of cell, use Sun´s energy and air to make suggars, cannot move from place to place, can grow upwards, around objects and turn toward light. Cell membranes have tough walls.
Animalia: get energy from consuming organisms, can move around, most have mouths and some kind of nervous systems, do not have cell walls.
4. Plants use the Sun´s energy and air to make sugars, fungi take in nutrients from their surroundings.
5. No because the organism does not have a nucleus. or
Yes, the membrane and DNA are like a nucleus.
2. Organisms are sorted according to general traits.
3. Plantae: store DNA in nucleus of cell, use Sun´s energy and air to make suggars, cannot move from place to place, can grow upwards, around objects and turn toward light. Cell membranes have tough walls.
Animalia: get energy from consuming organisms, can move around, most have mouths and some kind of nervous systems, do not have cell walls.
4. Plants use the Sun´s energy and air to make sugars, fungi take in nutrients from their surroundings.
5. No because the organism does not have a nucleus. or
Yes, the membrane and DNA are like a nucleus.
Hi miss I already read the information now i have learned the orther of the different levels of classififcation, thank you atte: Jesus Alberto Elizondo Salazar #6 7A.