domingo, 28 de febrero de 2010

Mitosis Video

50 comentarios:

  1. I learned that anaphase and metaphase have a clue word to remember what happens on it.On Ana- away,and meta-middle.
    Thank you for putting both views.

    Mariana Santos Lozano #25 7b

  2. I learned that sudenly the nuclear membrane dissapear and that the spindles pull each chromadic and that the chromosomes go centerstage.

    Juan Carlos Benavides Huidobro 7ºB ·4

  3. miss, i learn how the little things above the nucleus make the cell separate like, that they were pushing the cell until it make it separate, and taking the half of the genetic material of the cell.

    maria jose reyes #21 7°B

  4. miss silvia
    with the video I could understand more about mitosis, the video explains to you things I didn´t understand!! thankyou, now i know why the chromosomes separate!!

    Edna Aide Chavez Esquivel #6 7°A

  5. Miss Silvia:

    I didn´t know that spindles attaches itself to each of the chromosomes and then it pulls each part of the chromosome appart, I thought each chromosome divided itself and then went to the opposite sides of the cell. The video and the powerpoint presentation helped me a lot! Thanks for putting them!

    David Alanís C. 7th B #1

  6. Miss Silvia:

    miss i understand better with the video i understand that the chromosomes separate suddenly thankyou

    Sofia Montemayor Caballero 7B #17

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. miss
    i did not knew that the spidless attaches it self to each of the chromosomes then it appart
    thanks for put this video it helped me

    david morones 19 7A

  9. Miss, with the presentaton and the video now I understand better the process of mitosis. I think its amazing how the cells reproduce.

    Thank you for putting the video and presentation, it help a lot in understanding. :)

    Roberto Palacios #20 7°A

  10. I learned that during mytosis the cells divide into 2 cells and they are forced to be separated

    Jose Heberto 7D

  11. thankyou mis, i learned in more detailed way the steps of mitosis, how they really work , how they move, reproduce, split, and finally became 2 new cells

    paola arizpe flores 7e #2

  12. miss i learned that the centromere was very important so that chromosomes can separate so that the cell can divide.

    jorge burnes
    7D 4

  13. I learned that protein fibers move on the sides of the cell and pull the chromosomes and by reasons that scientists do not understand, the nuclei dissapears.
    Javier De la Garza 12 7D

  14. Thanks for the video and the presentation Ms. Silvia, now I understand the five stages of mitosis which are: interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. It is amazing how the cells divide.

    Jorge De la Fuente #9 7°A

  15. i learn how do the steps of mitosis work, how they really work , how they move, reproduce, split, and finally became 2 new cells
    thank you miss this video is very good(:

    maggy fuentes #7 7E

  16. I learned that anaphase and metaphase have a clue word to remember what happens onit.
    tank you miss this vidio was very good.

  17. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  18. Miss Silvia
    I learned how the cell divides (*very interesting), And the stages of the cell division (IPMAT)

    Thank you!

    Sofia Borisovna Kharissova 7A #2

  19. Thank you teacher. I have learned by this video how do cells split up and how did anaphase and metaphase had a clue word. Thank you.

  20. hi miss thank you for the vidio and the slide show, now I can remember the steps by "IPMAT", and now I know that the little tinghs are protein fibers.

    Carolina Vasquez Canales 28 7C

  21. Miss Silvia:

    These video is very interesting,
    because you can see how chromosomes
    work by moving...
    I really like it
    Thank You

    Erica Gzz #13 "7.A

  22. hello miss now i now the four steps in mitosis that are prophase,metaphase,anaphase,telophase


    Andres Isaac Gonzalez Mtz

  23. Raul Villarreal #29 7B

    miss i learned how mitosis is in real life its very intersting because i saw hoe the cytoplasm separates and form 2 new cells :)

  24. hi miss thank you for the vidio and the power presentation.
    Now I remember "IPMAT"

    Andrea Lopez 7C 15

  25. I didn't know that those little gray things sparkling were protein fibers, also I didn't know that at a certain point, the nuclear membrane desintegrates.

    Oscar Cavazos 7C #3

  26. miss i didnt know that the white sprindles were so much and that they are the ones who enlarge the cell

  27. tank you miss now i understand how the dna splits trough both new daughter cells.

    mauricio flores andrino 7thb ln9

  28. miss, i learned the steps of mitosis, they are very intresting and the video too.
    sofia paez, #18 7th.E

  29. Miss the video was very interesting i learned how cells split up and i also learned that the little things were fibers.



    7C 9

  30. ms.silvia:
    this is an interesting video,
    now i understand better the mitosis
    process, also i learn about this force
    that helps the cell split into two.

    andrea villarreal 7A #28

  31. Miss silvia, I learned that the little things that are to opposite sides of the cell are protein fibers which attach to the chromosomes and aid them to line up and then split.

    Ricardo Gonzalez #13 7°C

  32. Miss, it said the same than the drawings that we did on the notebook.

    Susana de la Garza 7D #11

  33. Miss Silvia
    I learned how cells make the proces of mitosis
    as we learned on the notebook.

    Ma. Elena Ibañez #18 7°D

  34. Miss: I learned that scientists don't know yet why the nuclear membrane suddenly breaks down in one of the phases of mitosis.


    Ana S. Valadez L#29 7D

  35. Miss thank for the presentation now i know a more esy way to learn the stages (IPMAT). And in the video it explain more clearly all the steps from the stages.

    Barbara Gonzalez #11 7C

  36. Is interesting how repently the nuclear membrane disappears and almost all the process of mitosis is made by the spindles.

    Sergio Quintanilla 7D #21

  37. Ms,thanks for the explanation in the video of what we have seen. I like this 3D videos, please upload more videos when we see another lesson.It helped me to understand better.

    Enrique Navarro #17 7°C

  38. thanks mss.for the video..I understand the stages of cell divsion..and also that by only moving the chromosomes work..

    Alejandra Sánchez 7°A #26

  39. mis i understand that that hairlike things pull the chromatids away and then the cell stretches and then cytokinesis occurs
    miguel ortiz #20 7D

  40. miss now i now what the 2 little things do like to separate the cell
    thank you.
    Sergi serna #23 7°D

  41. thanks miss now i understand better all the process of mitosis, and the stages :D

    maria elena zambrano
    #30 7b

    i learned the clue words of ana phase and metaphase and why they have it(: & the video's also showed me all this steps more graphically

    Andrea M Peña

  43. With this video I understood that the chromosomes form when the DNA treats start to coil among themselves, and that there are protein fibers that separate the chromosomes to make the two new cells.
    Thank you.

    Adrian Cantú 7A N.L.4

  44. Thanks Ms. know I know more specific how mitosis occurs, how the nucleus brake and form again and how the choromosomes line up in the middle of the cell.

    Santiago 19 7C

  45. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  46. wow...didn't knew how the spindles touch the chromosomes and get attached...
    nice vid..

    daniel sanchez #24 7B

  47. Miss Silvia, the video is very interesant now I know the mitosis, and the clue words of metaphase and anaphase, thank you for the video is great:D

    Estefania Rodriguuez 24 7C

  48. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  49. miss, now i know that the nucleous disappear and how the chromosomes contract to the opposite sides, thankyou for the video it was intersting.

    Barrientos 7C #1

  50. Miss, thanks now i know how are the mitosis steps and how they work.

    Hector Cacho 7D #6
